One Chance Charity Concert for Mark! 2025.02.24. 19 h

One Chance charity concert for Mark

Featuring artists from the Budapest Philharmonic Society

Date: 24.02.2024. 19:00
Óbuda Society, 1036 Budapest, Kiskorona utca 7.

The concert is free of charge, and you can support the concert on the spot,

Haydn: Trio in C major (London)
Mozart: Clarinet Quintet in A major


Bizet: Carmen – Aragonaise, Habanera, Seguidilla
Ferenc Farkas: Old Hungarian Dances
Debussy: The Little Negro, The Flax-Haired Girl, Golliwog’s Cakewalk
Dénes Ágay: Five easy dances – details

Piazzolla: Oblivion, Libertango
With the participation of the Budapest Philharmonic Society.

Trio Flauticello:
Zsuzsánna Menyhárt, Dóra Gjorgjevic – flute, Péter Boldoghy Kummert – cello

Bella Voce string quartet:
Ecseki Anikó, Ürmösi Farkas Gabriella – violin, Dimcevski Haruka – viola, Baráti Eszter – cello and
Péter Csongár – clarinet

Penta Wind Quintet:
János Rácz – flute, Krisztina Szélpál – oboe, Beáta Várnai – clarinet, István Hartenstein – bassoon, Gábor Tóth – horn