Help for Márk Pénzes's recovery

The aim of the foundation is to support the treatment of Dániel Márk Pénzes, who suffers from Duchenne muscular dystrophy.

Dear Supporters!

As a parent, there is nothing harder than watching helplessly as your child struggles with a serious illness. Our son, Mark, suffers from Duchenne muscular dystrophy, a rare and serious genetic disease. His muscles are getting weaker by the day, and as the disease progresses, daily life becomes more and more difficult for him.

But now we have a small ray of hope: a gene therapy is available in the US and Dubai that could halt the progression of Mark’s disease and give him a new chance to live a fuller life. It is our only option, but the cost of treatment is huge, beyond our means.

That’s why we are now turning to you for help. We ask everyone who can to support Mark’s recovery. Any donation, no matter how small, will help us enormously in getting closer to this life-saving treatment.

We are confident that with the strength of the community we can get Mark the treatment he needs and give him hope for a happier and healthier future. Thank you for thinking of us and helping us in this difficult struggle.

With grateful heart,
Márk Pénzes’s family

Thanks to generous people and charitable companies, this much has already been raised:

18,530 Euro / 2,604,354.22 Euro

Update: 08.09.2024.

How can you help us?

Direct donation:
Or use QR-code
If you click here, you can download to link and QR-code in pdf.

Transfer to
IBAN:HU98 11742513-21458903-00000000
Together for the Recovery of Mark Pénzes Foundation

You can donate directly to us via PayPal by clicking the button below:

our tax number: 19395287-1-13

Expressing our gratitude
We are immensely grateful for every donation. We will keep our supporters informed about Mark’s condition and the progress of his treatment, as you are part of his recovery. As an expression of our gratitude, we want you to know that any help we receive is not only a financial support, but also a spiritual support during this difficult time. We will say a special thank you to all donors on the Foundation’s website, if you do not request anonymity, and we will thank you in person if we have the opportunity.

We are confident that with the strength of the community we can get Mark the treatment he needs and give him hope for a happier and healthier future. Thank you for thinking of us and helping us in this difficult struggle. Here you can read our privacy policy.