Charity Bake and Plant Fair

💚 Dear Supporters, Friends! 💚

We are happy to share with you a little video compilation of Saturday’s plant and bake sale! 🌱🍪 The event was a fantastic success, thanks to you, Mark’s recovery is closer with 705.300 HUF! 🙏✨ This is an amazing achievement in one morning. 🌞

A special thank you to Krisztina Csécsei who put the whole event together with heart and soul. 💐💖 We are grateful to everyone who contributed to this unforgettable morning, whether with shopping, beautiful plants, delicious cakes or unique handicraft products. 🎍🍰🧵

Thank you all again, you are amazing! 🤗💫

Borsodi Nagy Andrea, Freund Anita, Bodnár Ági Füriné
Boglárka Buzásné Kóródi Gabriella Csomor Kitti, Czmór Erika, Gyányi Erika,
Görbe Éva, Koszóné Nagy Gréta, Hegedűsné Horváth Irén, Mogyorósi Judit, Nyáriné
Nagy Júlia, Karalyosné Briák Mária, Molnár Ágnes, Nagy Orsolya, Norbert Erika,
Nyikó Tünde, Sepler Ádámné, Makara Adrienn, BodnárÁgi, Várfalvy Emőke, Orbán B.
Enikő, Gányi Erika, Székelyné Gabi, Pénzes Bea, Halis Hanna,Vajda Kincső,
DecsiMarika Dőringerné Kovács Melinda, Nagy Orsolya, Pázmány Judit, Mészáros
Ildikó, Boros Krisztina, Farkas Ferencné, Fehérváry Zsuzsanna, Kapuszta Irén,
Mako Karolina, Fekete Nikoletta, Czmór Erika, 
Polgár Uzelmann Anita, Nagy Anikó, Szabó Diána, Lupa Virágsziget,
Károlyi Fanni, Sz-o Ildikó, Ilosvainé Babicz Éva.

I really hope that no one was left out of the list! So many of you are standing by us and it’s heartwarming for us!